Closing the Golf Season
The closing ceremony of the 2022 – 2023 golf season was held at the Djerba Golf Club on Friday 7 July 2023 in the presence of the children of the Golf School, their parents, the technical staff, the mental trainer and members of the ASG Djerba.
During this friendly ceremony, several players were honored for their performances in federal competitions. The flags were also awarded as an incentive for the smallest of the Schools category:
1- Federal Competition Winners
– Isra BOUAMOR: Tunisian Youth Champion
Vice-Champion of Tunisia Adults
– Elyes KAMOUN: champion of Tunisia Ecoles Garçons
– Nassim LABIBI: 2nd brut of the 1st Gentlemen series
– Abir FELLAH: 2nd brut of the Dames series
– Zied BELKHIR: Tunisian Pitch&putt champion
– Hamed ABDALLAH: Vice-Champion of Tunisia Pitch&putt
– Sarah PECHACKOVA: 2nd in the Girls’ Schools series
2- Diplomas of flags
Vert : Belkis BELGAIED, Badredine BEDBOUD, Tesnim BELGIED, Mohamed BEN BAAZIZ, Amen ALOUI, Bara BELKHIR, Abdallah BOUBAKRI, Ahmed ALOUI, Zakaria KAMOUN, Haithem BEN MANSOUR.
Blue: Firas BEN MANSOUR, Mohamed Taki LAWAYEB
Yellow: Youssef BEN OUIRANE, Soujoud KATROU, Azer AFLOUK